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Putting Your Au Pair Concerns to Rest

Having a live-in caretaker such as an au pair could be a little scary for some, and there might be some crazy scenarios popping in your head. Don’t sweat it, you’re not alone! We are here to let you know that these concerns are nothing to worry about and that if a problem comes along there is always a way to solve it.

So what are some of these concerns? Well most of them surround the most important thing in your life, the care of your child. The biggest thing to remember in all of this, is that you are your child’s parent and always will be, no one can ever replace you.

Moms could be concerned that their child will get confused or forget who their parent is when they are constantly being cared after or around their au pair. This is definitely not the case. The bond between your child and you and your child and au pair will be completely different. A way to keep you and your child’s relationship strong in the presence of another caretaker is to set time aside every night for just you and your child to spend time together.

Another concern is the addition of another person in your household. An au pair moving into your home will create a whole new dynamic and there will need to be some adjusting for sure. As long as you are open to the experience and willing to accept the person as another member in your family, it will not feel like you have just any old house guest living with you for a year. The chaos of another person using the bathroom, kitchen and other household items could seem overwhelming. However, there are a lot of times when your au pair will be out of the house doing errands or socializing. Having the house to yourself and getting that feeling of privacy will come more than you think.

You could be wondering why someone would become an au pair. What are their intentions and why do they want to move to a foreign country to look after a child? The cultural aspect and the opportunity to learn English and interact with children is what drives these young foreigners to make this leap. By hiring an au pair, you will be giving them the opportunity of a lifetime. And in turn you will be getting help from someone who truly cares. It’s the perfect exchange!

As you can see, these concerns are common but mostly unfounded. You are most likely overthinking the situation which is also totally normal. We hope we made you feel a little better.